Sunday, October 30, 2011

Where to begin???

Starting a new blog feels a bit like the time you began have photos from your whole life you'd like to make into special memories, photos of your children, wedding photos, special birthdays and celebrations...
You end up procrastinating, trying to decide.
And eventually you stop buying things to put on pages and grab some photos that are lying around and stick them on a page.
Random but effective. Eventually.

So this is where I start.

I write. I create. I photograph. I paint. I sew. I garden. I teach. I like to get creative with my manicures. Sometimes I cook - which I can do when I'm in the mood. I'm a mother and all the jobs that comes with. I work with children and love it...but being "mum" has always come first. I like to think it makes me a better teacher. I tell myself that anyway.
There's more but I don't have all day and it seems today is the "eventually" day when I'm going to post something in writing...

The name of my blog...
I moved to this house and the neighbours had a beautiful honeysuckle flowering in their backyard. I didn't think you could even grow honeysuckle in our outback climate, in fact I'd never seen or smelt one before.
One night, in that first week in our new house, I dreamt of smelling honeysuckle. A memory that stayed with me and something you can't scrapbook. 
So I grew one. It died. I grew another one. It died. There's a pattern forming I know..
It took 10 years of determined effort off and on...